Birth Registration Certificate
The authorities have made parents’ birth certificates mandatory for registering the birth of those born after 2001, leaving many in trouble.

Earlier, national ID card numbers of parents were sufficient to register a birth, but after the new rules came into effect on Jan 1, many parents found themselves in trouble while getting their children admitted to school. Now they must register their births first before getting their children’s.

One of these parents, popular musician Bappa Mazumder, said the authorities sought his birth certificate after he applied for his daughter’s birth certificate for school admission.

“And when I applied for my birth certificate, they wanted the numbers of my parents’ birth certificates. My parents passed away long ago and didn’t have the birth certificates,” said the 49-year-old.

Manik Lal Banik, registrar general of birth and death registration, played down the problems.

Banik said the parents must register their births first before applying online for the birth certificates of their children born after 2001 in line with the new rules, but those born before that time, such as Mazumder, can secure their own birth certificates by providing the NID numbers of their parents.

There are other issues too. Farhad Uddin, a resident of Badda who came to the Dhaka North City Corporation Zone-3 office to register their child’s birth on Thursday, said they could not apply because his birth certificate is in English, while his wife’s in Bangla.

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“I don’t understand how to get on with this new system. Meanwhile, my child’s school admission deadline is ending,” he said.

If the parents’ certificates are in English, the child will get a birth certificate in English. If the parents’ certificates are in Bangla, the child’s certificate will also be in Bangla. But if the two certificates are in different languages, they won’t be able to apply for their children’s birth certificates, a city corporation worker explained.

“The parents must get the certificates in the same language. Only then they can apply for their children’s certificates. Many are facing problems for this,” the worker said.

‘Samidul’, a rickshaw-puller dwelling at Korail slum in Dhaka’s Mohakhali, said he and his wife did not have birth certificates and were asked to get the papers when they applied for their child’s birth registration for school admission.

“We submitted NID cards and copies of water bill from our landlord after much trouble. Now our registration has been done. The city corporation said our son’s registration will be done on the 28th,” he said.

Birth Registration Certificate

Birth Registration Online
Many in the education sector fear that many of the school children will not be able to get stipends because of the lack of birth certificates caused by the new rules.

The headmaster of a school in Brahmanbaria’s Sarail said only 30 percent of the around 200 students admitted to class one have got their birth certificates in the past one and a half months.

Many parents are returning from the union council offices without registering their children’s birth as they themselves do not have the certificates, he said.

Despite the allegations of sufferings, Registrar General Banik said the new rules were made to discipline birth and death registration.

“Birth certificates are required for passports, marriage registration, school admission, land registration and other important jobs. So, some new things have been included in the application to bring everyone under birth registration,” he said.

He also claimed there had been some issues on the computer servers due to excessive pressure of online application during school admission in the beginning of the year, but those have been settled now.

The documents required for birth registration of people of different ages are:

Children up to 45 days:
>> Vaccine card

>> Parents’ online birth registration and NIDs

>> Holding number of residence and latest Chowkidari tax receipt

>> Applicant/guardian’s mobile phone number

>> Passport photo (one copy)

Children from 46 days to five years:
>> Vaccine card/health worker’s certificate with signature and seal on approved pad

>> Parents’ online registration and NID cards

>> School headmaster’s certificate and other school documents, if necessary

>> Holding number of residence and latest Chowkidari tax receipt

>> Applicant/guardian’s mobile phone number

>> Passport photo (one copy)

People over five years old:
>> Academic certificates (PEC/JSC/SSC) or signature of government hospital MBBS doctor, sealed certificate and signature and seal on column 1 of box No. 7 on the form

>> Parents’ online birth registration and NID cards (for those born after Jan 1, 2001)

>> NID cards (for those born before Jan 1, 2001)

>> Parents’ death certificates (for those who were born before 2001 and lost their parents)

>> Parents’ online death registration (for those who were born after 2001 and lost their parents)

>> Holding number of residence and latest Chowkidari tax receipt

>> Applicant/guardian’s mobile phone number

>> Passport photo (one copy)

>> Signature and seal of government school headmaster or union council member

Birth Registration Certificate
Before applying for birth registration certificate, please check whether you already have a birth registration certificate having a 17-digit number and verifiable at

Birth Certificate is a valuable document being issued by the Office of the Registrar of Birth and Death of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. It should always be either in your own custody or in the custody of an authorized person. If lost or destroyed, the fact and circumstances should immediately be reported to the nearest Bangladesh Embassy and the local Police.

Birth Certificate is an essential document for applying for (a) Machine Readable Passport; (b) Marriage Registration; (c) Admission into educational institute; (d) Driving License; (e) Voter ID or National ID; (f) Bank account; (g) Import, Export or Trade License; (h) Utility Connections; (i) Tax Identification Number; (j) Contractor License; (k) Registration for Car etc

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