All the information related to HSC Chemistry 1st Paper 1st week Assignment Answer 2021 is discussed in detail here. So if you want to know any information about HSC Chemistry 1st Paper 1st week Assignment Answer 2021, read our post very well from beginning to end. Then hopefully you can find out all the information about HSC Chemistry 1st Paper 1st week Assignment Answer 2021 from this post. This post is divided into two sections. In the first section, you will find the HSC Chemistry 1st Paper 1st week 2021 question and in the following section, you will find the HSC Chemistry 1st Paper 1st week Assignment Answer 2021. Students’ assignments will be graded in four categories: superb, very good, good, and progress needed. The assignments must be archived by school officials.
HSC Assignment 2021
All educational institutions in Bangladesh have been closed since the end of March last year due to the Covid-19 epidemic. However, students are given assignments so that there is no year loss, and they are then moved to the next class based on their performance. Students must complete their assignments on white sheets of paper with no assistance from others. However, textbook assistance is permitted.
HSC 2021 All Assignment Answer
HSC 2021 Assignment Cover Page Download
HSC Assignment উত্তর সবার আগে পেতে দ্রুত জানতে আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন
HSC Chemistry 1st Paper Assignment Answer (1st week) 2021 is given in this post which will be helpful for the HSC students. Here, you will find HSC 1st week Chemistry 1st Paper Assignment Question 2021 & the solution of this 1st assignment solution.
Assignment HSC 1st Week
Students will be assessed through assignments. Assignments will be prepared and given on a weekly basis for students according to the rearranged syllabus. Assignments will be uploaded on the website of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education before the start of the week. At the end of the week, students will complete their assignments and submit them to the educational institution (directly online) to receive new assignments.

In this section, we have published questions of HSC Chemistry 1st Paper 1st week Assignment 2021. You can also view the solution of the assignment questions in the next section.
hsc assignment 2021 chemistry 1st paper HSC Assignment 2021 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Week) PDF Published
অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট – ১
দ্বিতীয় অধ্যায়: গুণগত রসায়ন
অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট : পরমাণুর মডেল ও ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস করতে হবে
পরমাণুর রাদারফোর্ড ও বোর মডেলে তুলনা করতে পারবে
কোয়ান্টাম সংখ্যা, বিভিন্ন উপস্তর এবং ইলেকট্রন ধারণ ক্ষমতা দেখা করতে পারবে।
কোয়ান্টাম উপস্তরের শক্তিক্রম এবং আকৃতির বর্ণনা করতে পারবে।
আউফবাউ, হুন্ড, পাউলির বর্জন নীতি প্রয়োগ করে পরমাণুর ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস করতে পারবে।
ক) পরমাণু মডেল বর্ণনা কর
খ) কোয়ান্টাম সংখ্যা সমূহ বর্ণনা কর
গ) কোয়ান্টাম সংখ্যা থেকে পরমাণুর বিভিন্ন শক্তিস্তরের ইলেকট্রন ধারণ ক্ষমতা নির্ণয় কর ।
ঘ) পরমাণুর উপশক্তিস্তরে ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাসের নীতি ব্যাখ্যা কর।
hsc chemistry assignment
HSC students should go through the original textbook provided by the school authority to collect their most recent week assignment answers. One should first try to find the answer to their assignment from the books assigned in the syllabus, if he/she doesn’t find the answer he can take help from other sources, such as online.